Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Best skin health: Treatment for sensitive skin

The most basic treatment is to determine which irritants are causing increased sensitivity and then avoiding these irritants. Aside from this common sense approach, there are additional treatments you can try. One simple treatment is to maintain an optimum skin moisture through the use moisturizers. These moisturizers should also be free of the irritants, especially parabens, surfactants, fragnance and artificial colors. They should also be made of natural ingredients, not artificially manufactured chemicals. When trying a new perfume, cosmetic or skincare product, try a little on your wrist first to see whether it irritates your skin. For allergic reactions you can start with an antihistamine like Benedryl. Doctors might also recommend topical corticosteroids or immunomodulators (immunosuppressants). But you should see a doctor and should not try self medicate.
Statictics about sensitive skin
- 56% of women report having sensitive skin.
- 24% report having had a reaction to cosmetics products.
- 46.6% of women with sensitive skin also have dry skin.
- 46.3% of women with sensitive skin have consulated a dermatologist.
(Source: L'Oreal Usage and Attitude Study, January 2003)

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