Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Best perfume: Characteristics perfume from synthetics

Characteristics perfume from synthetics
- Variance
Much more consistent than natural aromatics. However, differences in organic synthesis may result in minute differences in concentration of impurities. If these impurities have low smell (detection) thresholds, the differences in the scent of the synthetic aromatic will be significant.
- Components
Depending on purity, consists primarily of one chemical compound
- Scent Uniqueness
Similar to natural scents if the compounds are the same. Novel scent compounds not mimicking natural compounds however, bear little scent likeness to natural materials.
- Scent Complexity
Pure and pronounced fragnance notes. Structural and defined.
- Price
Perfumes using largely synthetic aromatics can be available at widely affordable prices. However, synthetic aromatics and perfumes are not necessarily cheaper than naturals.

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